I would like to join the consultancy department but I am an English native and can only speak a little French.

Informations supplémentaires
Is it possible to get a post here in France?
Alexander Y. a demandé pendant le Live Chat KPMG en Régions - 1001 opportunités de carrière près de chez vous à KPMG France
Catégorie: Qualifications
Date: lundi, mars 2, 2020
Dernière révision: lundi, mars 2, 2020

Nikolay M.
Manager Communication Digitale Marque Employeur
Hello Alexander, a fluent French is required and will be tested during your recruitment process, as we consider as mandatory to be able to exchange witth our french clients.
lundi, mars 2, 2020
Alexander Y.
Is it possible to get recruited in France and be posted to another country due to the language barrier and what will be your recommendation
lundi, mars 2, 2020

Nikolay M.
Manager Communication Digitale Marque Employeur
I would advise you to apply to the KPMG country where you would like to be posted and where your native tongue is required.
lundi, mars 2, 2020
Alexander Y.
Ok. Thank you very much
lundi, mars 2, 2020
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