Photo de English speaking opportunities in Paris?

English speaking opportunities in Paris?

1 réponse
316 vues

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Dear Sir, Madam, After succesfully graduating (top 5% of a selective university) in July 2015 I have travelled the world for almost 20 months. During my studies I had a lot of contact with KPMG. My ambition was to apply to the Dutch section of KMPG after travelling. Yet during my travels I have met a French girl and now I am moving to Paris. My question is: are there any graduate positions in Paris where the speaking language is English? Thank you in advance. Yours sincerely, Angelo Barbier

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Angelo D. a posé une question à KPMG France

Catégorie: Général

Date: samedi, mai 6, 2017

Dernière révision: vendredi, mai 19, 2017

Blandine X.

Chargée des Ressources Humaines

Dear Angelo, there are graduate positions in Paris where English is useful, but you need to speak french, because the interview will be in french, and most of our clients are french. Have a nice day ! Sincerely, Blandin e

vendredi, mai 19, 2017

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