Hello, I was wondering if it would be possible to work in KPMG in France with a Dutch Master in Law? Thanks a lot!

Informations supplémentaires
Currently I am doing a Master in Dutch Law at Maastricht University. However, an international career is really interesting me and I am wondering if there would be any possibilities within KPMG, knowing that I already have several internship experiences.
Anonyme a posé une question à KPMG France
Catégorie: Éligibilité
Date: samedi, avril 21, 2018
Dernière révision: vendredi, avril 27, 2018

Nikolay M.
Manager Communication Digitale Marque Employeur
Hello, your education background can indeed lead you to a career at KPMG, however we require a good level of french in order to be able to work closely with our french clients. If that is your case, please send us your resume at www.kpmgrecrute.fr
vendredi, avril 27, 2018
La discussion est maintenant fermée et ne peut recevoir de nouveaux commentaires.